Monday, July 13, 2009

What improvements can be made to the web design feild?

With all the options now available for web design, what can be done to make services more accessible to all?

Are there any problems with the major designers/providers?

Who provides the best web design service?

What ideas would you like to see design firms implementing?

What improvements can be made to the web design feild?
the best thing that could happen is for there to be some sort of certification process, there's far too many people out there posing as web designers who have no idea as to how best build a website taking work away from those who do.

there is no one person or company that provides the best service.
Reply:Good question. I prefer designing Windows applications because I have more power. I can draw my own controls with GDI, and have a myriad of choices as to how I want to control access to data. In the web world, this is much different. Maintaining data from page to page mostly takes place in the session variable, and I have a lot fewer options available.

Probably my biggest gripe is that making neat applications requires more than 1 technology, I.E. a server side language, a client side language and possibly a database. I would love the day when I could do server and client side code in 1 language. AJAX is nice and all, but I hate writing glue code. Debugging web apps can be a major pain too.
Reply:I agree with circusmort. There should be some kind of required certification that weighs education, background, portfolio, and competency as well as references. Unfortunately there are so many fly-by-night posers that read 1 html book and advertise themselves as "web designers." that us real professionals are fighting for work in a saturated market.
Reply: provides free web site design , web design company, custom website design, web design an development.
Reply:Depends on which perspective you are looking at. I work for a Toronto web design company, , and have these discussions with our designers and programmers. From my angle, if you are looking at it from a technical perspective, I would say that cross-platform compatibility is one of the most challenging. In regards to accessibility, better standards around those that are impaired needs more development. From a design perspective, I would argue that a better marriage between design, usability and marketing teams needs to be made.

Hope this helps.

night garden

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