Thursday, July 9, 2009

How do I become a web design freelancer?

I did a couple of "unofficial" (read: under the table) freelance web design gigs when I was unemployed. Now I have a new full-time job, but it's not in the web design field. And I think it would be a nice way to earn some extra cash on occassion.

How would I go about being officially recognized as a freelance web designer? Would I need to essentially start a business to get a vendor number, or something like that?

Please, only answer if you actually have a clue about this sort of thing.

How do I become a web design freelancer?
Make a portfolio website. Maybe take a couple jobs for little to no cash to expand on that portfolio. Etc.

As far as being officially recognized, you could go ahead and register the business and get a federal tax id issued but that may be overkill at this point. In all reality you probably won't get a lot of leads from the net when starting out but more by word of mouth so anything "official" early on isn't all that important. Most likely the purchasing party will just 1099 you as an individual for tax purposes.

You can visit the site they have a lot of highly talented Indian programmers there .

regards admin Report It

Reply:If you're in the US you don't need any type of official web designer diploma. Just start doing it. Even if you don't make much money, it's a smart move because you can deduct all your computer expenses at the end of the year. You may wish to get a vendor permit only because it will allow you to buy stuff wholesale.


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