Thursday, July 9, 2009

What is the best way to start learning web design ?

We have had some web design classes at school, but they were not enough to be able to make a website.

What is the best way to start learning web design ?
If you are really serious, visit any number of internet portals providing base level HTML coding training for free (for example If you've got that down, the next step is start looking at HTML code for sites / pages that you like or find interesting. HTML is still the foundation of the Web, so having a solid understanign of most of the codes and elements is essential.

Also, maker sure that you have access to some form of Bitmpap graphic editing software, such as GIMP or Adobe Photoshop. There are MANY available for free. Website are not all text, and graphics and interaction form important components.

Make sure that you understand the fundamentals of interaction and navigation, as these are fundamental to building an effective well-designed website. Once again, look at sites that you find easy using, and try and see what they did right, and how.

Like the other answers say, the best way is stick it out, get your hands dirty, and try and redo what others have done.
Reply:Unless your doing a flash site or someone asks for it, NEVER EVER add a background MIDI file to your sites. It creates an unproffessional image. I looked at your URL ; from this guessing you are Romenian? It looks fine... did you code it al in HTML or use an editor? Anyway, good luck. Report It

Reply:download dreamweaver and flash about with them...thats what i did
Reply:Try learning web design on your own. Learn Dreamweaver and Photoshop. I learned alot by surfing the net for nice websites that I want to learn how to design, save the website on your computer. Then open the html file in Dreamweaver. You will be able to see the tables and how they actually designed the website. You can also open up the images folder and look at all the graphics used. Its sort of like reverse engineering / disecting the website.
Reply:first of all u must be familiar with HTML

u can find many HTML e-book , pdf or online Tutorials

for example u can go to:

and read about HTML

then the best way to begin making html pages is using Microsoft Frontpage.

u can make professinal pages there.

we u became master in MS Frontpage , try to work with some more professional programs like Macromedia Dreamweaver

all of these are for generating HTML pages

but one of the most importand thing for a webdesigner is working with graphical softwares like Adobe Photoshop

for photo editing and designing nice graphics for the website

after u work with these things , u will became familiar with more things and find more options to learn

but i tried to tell to the first steps

Best regards

Reply:read books about webdesign and also find the programs and fiddle with them the best way to learn is hands on

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